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Thursday, July 26, 2007

FiOS Installation - Smooth as broken glass!

I had visions yesterday moring as I drank my coffee waiting for the installer of posting a fancy demo on YouTube and pretty post with screen shots on JstJmpN, but alais, those dreams were dashed at 11:30am yesterday. I am working on a detailed post for later but I would like to post a quick update:

1. The installation went from 9:00am until sometime after 8:00pm.
2. Telephone service was out from 3:00pm until 7:30pm.
3. Verizons Activation servers were down from 11:30am until 3:00pm.
4. I don't have the latest "Interactive Media Guide" as promised on when I signed up and when I received a reminder courtesy call on Tuesday.

I did have a chance to play around with the box in the bedroom last night. I had a go-live at work until midnight so it was a very busy day.

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