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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Monitor 19" vs 20"

I've been looking at getting a new monitor. My old 20" CRT is getting a bit tired and I swear it appears to get larger every day!

I've looked at alot of options. Click here to see my spreadsheet.

I narrowed my choices down to the 20" Samsung 205BW and the 19" Samsung 906BW. Both are available for the same price on line. The real question dilemma is, do I buy a smaller monitor with great specs or a larger monitor with good specs. Online they both can be found for the exact same price.

Unfortunately, there are few reviews on either model. I made a trip to my local MicroCenter and was able to see the 906BW and it looked really nice. The glossy screen and fast response time (2ms) were very impressive. A few days later I was able to find a 205BW at a Costco that I could see. Though it didn't have the glossy screen the 6ms response time was plenty fast.

I have decided to go with the 20" for the extra screen real estate. Also I really don't do any gaming any more so the extra fast response would offer me little benefit. Also, Costco I have a coupon for $30 off the 205BW starting on Monday. This discount actually makes the 20" cheaper than the 19".

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